
Where is Mizoram?

Mizoram lies in the southernmost outpost of North Eastern India, the land of the Blue Mountains. Manipur, Assam and Tripura bind the northern end of this little island of tranquility with neighboring countries Myanmar and Bangladesh nestling most of the state between them.

Mizoram being the most peaceful state in India is the ideal tourist destination.


The following items may be imported into India by travellers over 18 without incurring customs duty:
  1.  200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 250g of tobacco
  2. 2 Litres of alcohol.
Please note:- Mizoram is still declared a dry-state. However, hotels in Aizawl get alcoholic drinks for their customers.

In 2010, the government for the first time gave permission for the sale of locally produced wine called 'Zawlaidi'.


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